ゲストは「命のビザ・杉原千畝夫妻顕彰会」代表の松下洋一郎 (僧名宗柏)様。
February 14th, 2021
Today, I attended the Zoom meeting "Visa for Life and the Current Refugee Issues" which was organized by Ms. Matsuzaki. I listened to a talk by a Buddhist priest, Mr. Matsushita, about the great work of Chiune (Sempo) Sugihara. I got to know the historical story that during the Second World War, on the eve of the Nazi invasion of Poland, Chiune Sugihara issued transit visas to Jews fleeing from the neighboring country of Lithuania. I had known this episode, of course, but I was able to have a deeper knowledge, for example, "Why did the Nazi invade Poland?" and "Why is Japan so generous to Jewish people?”.
During the discussion time after the lecture, Mr. Matsushita pointed out that Germany regrets its past mistakes, takes them seriously, and strives to build a better world. I’ve long been impressed by Germany's policy to accept immigrants from early on, so I found his words very convincing.